A Letter From ASUCC President Kristapher Yates
Greetings my fellow students and friends,
I want to first let you all know that I greatly appreciate this opportunity to serve the student body as ASUCC President. Our team has made it a priority to provide student services and planned activities to encourage success and involvement on the campus throughout the academic year. I wanted to take a brief moment to bring you all up-to-date on what ASUCC was involved in over the summer and the beginning of fall term.
• The five officers (Kristapher Yates, President; Ellis Poole, Vice President; Haley Stammen, Activities Officer; Michael Lewis, Business Manager and Kierstin Darby, Public Relations) started the summer off with a partnered success by TRiO/TOP in “Camp Millennium.” Many children and teens had a fun-filled summer field day on campus.
• In Mid-July, ASUCC officers and our volunteers participated in the Annual UCC Foundation Open Golf Tournament in Myrtle Creek.
• During the Oregon Musical Theatre Festival, officers, senators and our volunteers facilitated concessions and raised over $1,000 for our proposed move & a TRiO/TOP fundraiser.
• On July 22nd, ASUCC began a rapid space swap with TRiO/TOP, a much needed change for both organizations.
• In mid-August, three officers and three senators attended Leadershape Institute, a 6-day leadership conference in Blue River, OR.
• ASUCC Executive Officers delivered a letter to the Board regarding campus climate and respect. We have since then met with President Joe Olson and spoken with Chair Vanessa Becker. We have been encouraged by their willingness to continue conversation as we move forward.
• In the beginning of September, all five executive officers attended an OCCSA (Oregon Community College Student Association) Conference in Corbett, Oregon for a 3-day leadership experience with 15 other community colleges around the state.
• On September 21st, ASUCC sponsored the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus at Jacoby Auditorium, which raised money for HIV Alliance of Douglas County. This was a stretch for the community, but overall was a success!!
• A total of eight senators were brought on by late September, each receiving an additional 12+ hours of training with Executive Officers. They have since been released to REPRESENT ASUCC!! (Josh Short, Megan Morehouse, Larry Clark, Aria Blackwood, Stephanie Harbison, Jessica Vogel, Brandon Faerriera and Garrett Sconce)
• ASUCC officers attended the welcoming of UCC Scholars at Danny Lang Center in late September. Many direct connections were made with recruitment opportunities for volunteers and potential future student leaders.
• ASUCC has encouraged students to register to vote with class raps and face-to-face contacts. As of October 14th, 415 students have been registered to vote.
• ASUCC now has “Techno Tuesdays” from 1-2pm & “Popcorn Wednesdays.” Please come by for a quick dance and snack or just to see the new place.
• ASUCC will be co-hosting a Flea Market all day November 6 and 7 in the Student Lounge and am looking for donations to sell. Please contact Haley Stammen, ASUCCActivities@umpqua.edu for more information.
Amongst all of these wonderful and exciting events and experiences, Marjan Coester, Director of Student Life still managed to keep us still long enough for nearly 50 hours of leadership training and team building. I don’t know how she did it, but let’s just say that she had an eventful summer as well…. Thank You Marjan, we couldn’t have done it without you!!
During our training, officers came up with several goals for the school year.
• Create & Promote inclusive, safe spaces at UCC
• Extend current ASUCC Student Services
• Increase student, staff, faculty & admin to turnout to ASUCC or campus events
• Increase student registered voters
• Expand student participation within Student Leadership Organization
• Collaborate with existing community and state organizations to create new opportunities
Above all, ASUCC wants this campus to not only be a great learning experience, but also a place that each one of us, as students, can find and explore our passions and talents. Along the way, it is our hopes that connections will be made that are carried on after our time spent here at UCC. For more detailed our goals or how to get involved with the ASUCC Leadership, please stop by our new space located in the Student Center, adjacent to the cafeteria. We have an eventful year ahead of us!! I am looking forward to seeing you all around campus!!•
Thank you again,
Kristapher Yates
ASUCC President