UCC Mainstream Online

Free tutoring offered in ESB

Math tutor Sebastion helps students before a test.
Jesse Proctor / Mainstream
Math tutor Sebastion helps students before a test.

Having a rough year, planning to drop a class? Right now at the Educational Skills Building, free peer tutoring is available at the Academic Success Center. Twenty students offer tutoring for math, writing, chemistry, physics, biology, history and even nutrition subjects.

Current tutors are former A grade students who help others understand their school work. Multiple tutors are available in all subjects except for history.

“They are two rules at the tutoring lab: one is no children and the other is no food,” said Nathan Anderson, one of the writing tutors.

When help is needed outside the tutoring center, students have the option of asking a tutor if she or he would help online. Any students registered in Angel can find a tutoring schedule on the Angel home page. The link opens up the names of tutors and their schedules for each tutoring topic

Tutors can also help students learn what to look for when taking class notes. “This is an environment which people come to for help,” Anderson said.

The tutoring center isn’t like the library; “Students should not bring friends unless they need the same help,” the center advises.

Student do not need to make appointments. Instead they can just enter the room, sign in and look for a tutor.

The tutoring center is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 pm on Tuesday through Thursday. It is located in the Educational Skills Building at room 15A. Students having trouble finding it should go to the big ESB sign in front of the building and head up the walkway. The second door at the right is the tutoring center.

At many other colleges and universities, tutoring requires a fee, but Umpqua Community College offers the service for free.