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Phi Theta Kappa president honored for leadership at national NerdNation conference in San Antonio

Photo provided by: Marjan Coester
Phi Theta Kappa President, KC Perley, points at his name on the “Leaders of Promise” board. He was one of nine Oregon students to achieve the nomination in 2014. A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to 200 students annually.

Phi Theta Kappa and its local chapter Alpha Sigma Upsilon have recognized and encouraged UCC students to achieve academic integrity since 1991. Being a member of the PTK allows “students to learn the importance of belonging. This is not just a campus club. This is an international honor society, and students have the opportunity to network with regional or international members at conferences and other PTK events,” KC Perley a peer mentor and Phi Theta Kappa president, said.

Students who are a part of the PTK have the ability to expand their knowledge in many areas. Students can participate in programs like the Honors in Action Program and the Five Star Competitive Edge, which promote and expand students’ leadership skills: “more specifically, members expand their knowledge on honors, leadership, service, and fellowship,” Perley said.

Not only are the members gaining knowledge, but they are also gaining connections to other members around the world. Perley stated that he and three of his fellow officers and his chapter advisor are attending an international conference, called NerdNation being held in San Antonio. The Purpose of NerdNation is to host “educational sessions to foster personal and chapter development, training to cultivate leaders, thought-provoking speakers who broaden attendees’ perspectives, networking opportunities to share ideas and expand one’s pool of resources and awards presentations recognizing past achievements while setting the bar high for future success,” according to their website. Perley, his chapter members and advisor hope to gain more interpersonal connections and also more knowledge that can help them improve their chapter and UCC.

Members also benefit from scholarships through PTK. “Many of the scholarships you can apply for are for four year universities,” Tonya Arroyo, a current UCC student and former PTK member, said. This allows PTK members to explore a higher education. “It’s a greater amount of scholarships that you can apply for and those are only available through PTK members,” Arroyo said.

Not only do the members of the Phi Theta Kappa benefit, but the rest of UCC’s student body can also. PTK is currently working on a fundraiser called Pie In The Face, which will help gain more money to use for future events on campus. They get involved in a lot of campus activities such as Club Fairs, Diversity Week and Spring Fling Week.

“Phi Theta Kappa helps UCC by fostering a nurturing environment for campus leaders who can express the core values of PTK to their fellow students,” Perley said.

Students with a 3.5 GPA for two consecutive terms will be invited by the college to fill out a short application and pay a small fee to join Phi Theta Kappa and their chapter Alpha Sigma Upsilon. “PTK for me, represents determination and hard work,” Arroyo said.